Event—Adult Education

Beginning Genealogy: A Crash Course

The Newberry has one of the nation’s strongest genealogy collections. This one-session course will introduce you to accredited methods for tracing your family’s history in America. Learn about genealogical relationships, traditional family trees and charts...

Cost and Registration Information

Early Registration Price (August 27 at 9 am** – September 13 at 4 pm): $85
Regular Registration Price (September 13 at 4 pm – first day of class): $93.5

** Registration opens online at 9 am. Phone registration will be accepted starting at 10 am.

Members, seniors, and students get a 10% discount.

Online registration is closed. Please call 312-255-3700 to register.

Seminar Description

The Newberry has one of the nation’s strongest genealogy collections. This one-session course will introduce you to accredited methods for tracing your family’s history in America. Learn about genealogical relationships, traditional family trees and charts, and a step-by-step procedure for finding genealogical information at home and in public sources.

One session. E - $85, L - $93.5

Marsha Peterson-Maass is an adjunct professor and author of the Fundamentals of Genealogy® textbook series. She has led genealogy seminars at the Newberry Library since 2002.

Materials List


  • Fundamentals of Genealogy®: Basics for Everyone. ISBN: 978-0578184166
  • Fundamentals of Genealogy®: The Most Helpful Tools You’ve Never Used. ISBN: 978-0-578184173

First Reading:

  • There is no reading assignment for the first class.

This class is part of the Newberry’s Adult Education Seminars Program. Learn more about our registration procedures.