Cost and Registration Information
Early Registration Price (August 27 at 9 am** – September 13 at 4 pm): $85
Regular Registration Price (September 13 at 4 pm – first day of class): $93.5
** Registration opens online at 9 am. Phone registration will be accepted starting at 10 am.
Members, seniors, and students get a 10% discount.
Online registration is closed. Please call 312-255-3700 to register.
Seminar Description
The Newberry has one of the nation’s strongest genealogy collections. This one-session course will introduce you to accredited methods for tracing your family’s history in America. Learn about genealogical relationships, traditional family trees and charts, and a step-by-step procedure for finding genealogical information at home and in public sources.
One session. E - $85, L - $93.5
Marsha Peterson-Maass is an adjunct professor and author of the Fundamentals of Genealogy® textbook series. She has led genealogy seminars at the Newberry Library since 2002.
Materials List
- Fundamentals of Genealogy®: Basics for Everyone. ISBN: 978-0578184166
- Fundamentals of Genealogy®: The Most Helpful Tools You’ve Never Used. ISBN: 978-0-578184173
First Reading:
There is no reading assignment for the first class.
This class is part of the Newberry’s Adult Education Seminars Program. Learn more about our registration procedures.