The Newberry Library’s D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies will be hosting a four-week summer 2017 NEH seminar for college and university faculty that explores the history of North America’s border and borderlands. In keeping with the recent work in the field and the collection strengths of the Newberry Library, this seminar will take a broad geographic approach, framing borderlands as distinct places at particular moments in time where no single people or sovereignty imposed its will. The organizing theme is the process of border-making. We will examine three aspects of this theme: how nation-states claiming exclusive territorial sovereignty re-drew the continent’s map; the intersection and sometimes collision of these efforts with other ways of organizing space and people; and the social and political consequences of the enforcement of national territoriality. Two questions guide our examinations of these developments: how did diverse peoples challenge national borders, or use or alter them for their own purposes? And, how does consideration of these topics recast our understanding of the intertwined histories of indigenous peoples, Mexico, the United States, and Canada?
- Institute Description
- Faculty
- Borderlands Research at the Newberry
- Stipend and Housing Information
- Eligibility and Selection Criteria
- How to Apply
View the syllabus.
The application due date has been extended to March 6, 2017; notifications will be made March 31, 2017
For further information, please contact Benjamin Johnson at bjohnson25@luc.edu.
Benjamin Johnson, Associate Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago
Patricia Marroquin Norby, Director, D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies
Julianna Barr, Associate Professor of History, Duke University
Kornel Chang, Associate Professor of History and American Studies, Rutgers University-Newark
Geraldo Cadava, Associate Professor of History, Northwestern University
Contact Us
D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies
The Newberry Library
60 W. Walton Street
Chicago, IL 60610
(312) 255-3552
This Summer Seminar is supported by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency. The Newberry Library is an independent library for research and reference in the humanities.
Any views, finding, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.