Event—Adult Education

How Currier and Ives Imagined America

In this seminar, we will explore a wide range of Currier and Ives lithographs and they world they pictured. Collectors tend to favor those images that present an idealized and/or nostalgic view of life in the nineteenth century, but upon closer inspection, we find more realistic, even darker, views of American life and the challenges it faced

Newberry Adult Education Seminars will meet both virtually and in the building for the Winter/Spring term. Although we are still primarily virtual, you will find a smaller selection of in-person seminars in the schedule. For more information about the Newberry’s virtual seminars, including a Zoom tutorial, please see our Virtual Seminars FAQ page. If you have questions about online learning, please reach out to adulteducation@newberry.org. Registration opens Wednesday, January 19th at 9am (Central time). Registration will take place through our online platform, Learning Stream.

Register via Learning Stream here

Seminar Description

Nathaniel Currier started his publishing business in 1834, and together with his partner, James Ives, the company became known as “the best, cheapest, and most popular firm in a democratic country.” Indeed, the company mass produced millions of inexpensive lithographs on over 7,000 subjects that to this day offer the most comprehensive collection of images of how nineteenth-century Americans both saw and imagined their nation and its people. Collectors tend to favor those images that present an idealized and/or nostalgic view of life in the nineteenth century, but upon closer inspection, we find more realistic, even darker, views of American life and the challenges it faced and feared, including urban life, race, and immigration. In this seminar, we will explore a wide range of Currier and Ives lithographs and they world they pictured..

Four sessions. Registration – $170/$153

Bryan Le Beau recently retired as Provost and Professor of History at the University of Saint Mary. Currently, he is an adjunct professor at the University of Missouri – Kansas City and Georgetown University and the author of "Currier and Ives: America Imagined."

Materials List


  • No Required Materials

First Reading:

  • There is no first reading assignment.