Cost and Registration Information
Early Registration Price (August 27 at 9 am** – September 13 at 4 pm): $85
Regular Registration Price (September 13 at 4 pm – first day of class): $93.5
** Registration opens online at 9 am. Phone registration will be accepted starting at 10 am.
Members, seniors, and students get a 10% discount.
This seminar is full. Please call 312-255-3700 to be added to the wait list.
Seminar Description
Joseph Cornell’s box constructions feature the most common of materials (marbles, clay pipes, newspaper and magazine fragments, and postage stamps, to name a few) and seem at first glance as if they are toys for children. Yet Cornell’s sophisticated combinations of found objects in these shadow boxes transform everyday materials into reveries on nature, culture, and the imagination. This seminar explores the sources, process, themes, and influence of the artist’s “poetic theaters.”
One session. E - $85, L - $93.5
Margaret Farr is an independent art historian with a PhD specializing in art from 1800 to the present. She teaches courses at the Newberry Library and the Center for Life and Learning, and in an adjunct lecturer at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Materials List
There are no required materials for this class.
First Reading:
There is no reading assignment for the first class.
This class is part of the Newberry’s Adult Education Seminars Program. Learn more about our registration procedures.