Event—Adult Education

The Purpose of Aging, Aging with Purpose: A Journal Writing Workshop

The news is no longer new: the boomer generation (those between the ages of 53 and 71) has changed the way we age. Not only are boomers living longer than any previous generation, but they are doing so more productively and in better health...

Cost and Registration Information

Early Registration Price (April 17 at 10 am – May 4 at 4 pm): $185
Regular Registration Price (May 4 at 4 pm – first day of class): $203.5

Members, seniors, and students get a 10% discount.

This seminar is full. Please call (312) 255-3700 to be added to the wait list.

Excuse our dust!

The Newberry is undergoing an extensive first floor renovation in 2018. This project will be ongoing during the Summer 2018 seminar term. The Adult Education Seminars Program still has use of the basement classrooms, but please check this link frequently for the latest conditions - which exterior doors are open or closed, where to find an accessible entrance, which restrooms are available, etc.

Because of the renovation, the Newberry Bookstore will be closed during the Summer 2018 term. As such, seminar participants will be responsible for acquiring all required texts for their seminars on their own. We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding. We have put together a list of helpful resources that should make it easy to find the books you need.

Seminar Description

The news is no longer new: the boomer generation (those “between the ages of 53 and 71”) has changed the way we age. Not only are boomers living longer than any previous generation, but they are doing so more productively and in better health. This longevity bonus or "Gift of Years", as author Joan Chittister calls it, may even benefit those of us born before the boomers, and certainly those born after. In this journaling workshop, we’ll consider how we all might age with more intention, purpose, and meaning. Four sessions.

Carol LaChapelle is a writer, teacher, and the author of Finding Your Voice, Telling Your Stories. She has taught writing and journal writing workshops in Chicago for 25 years, including at the Newberry Library.

Materials List


  • There are no required materials for this class.

First Reading:

  • There is no reading assignment for the first class.

This class is part of the Newberry’s Adult Education Seminars Program. Learn more about our registration procedures.