
Translating the AYER MS 1485, a compendium of sermons in Nahuatl language from 16th-century Mexico

—A Newberry Colloquium

Siguense unos sermones de dominicas y de santos en lengua mexicana: no traduzidos de un sermonario alguno, sino co[m]puestos nuevamente a la medida de la capacidad de los indios. 1540-1563, Father Bernardino de Sahagún. Call number: VAULT oversize Ayer MS 1485

Among the treasures that the Newberry Library protects, AYER MS 1485 stands out for its singularities. This compendium of sermons in the Nahuatl language, prepared in the 16th century by the Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún and a group of native collaborators, is one of the most important sources for the study of the evangelization process that occurred in Mexico. In this talk, we will explore the singularities of AYER MS 1485, and we will present the recent translation work we have achieved within the framework of the “Sermons in Mexican” project of UNAM (Mexico).

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