Cost and Registration Information
Early Registration Price (January 8 at 9 am** – January 25 at 4 pm): $210
Regular Registration Price (January 25 at 4 pm – first day of class): $231
** Registration opens online at 9 am. Phone registration will be accepted starting at 10 am.
Members, seniors, and students get a 10% discount.
Online registration is closed, but you can still register by phone. Please call (312) 255-3700 to do so.
Seminar Description
A varied and complicated city, Chicago has been used by many writers as something akin to a main character. In this course, we will develop our own Chicago stories with an eye toward making the urban setting meaningful and memorable. Along the way, we will read and discuss some of the finest stories set in Chicago.
Five sessions. E - $210, L - $231
Author Donald G. Evans is the Founding Executive Director of the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame. During the winter of 2018, he curated an exhibition on literary work set in Chicago that ran at the Chicago Literacy Alliance.
Materials List
- A selection of shorter materials distributed by the instructor.
First Reading:
There is no reading assignment for the first class.
This class is part of the Newberry’s Adult Education Seminars Program. Learn more about our registration procedures.