Event—Adult Education

Writing Short Stories: Voice, Stakes, Time, and Place

This four–week workshop is for writers of all levels interested in short fiction. We’ll read and discuss published short stories by authors with varied styles to deepen our understanding . . .

Seminar Description

This four–week workshop is for writers of all levels interested in short fiction. We’ll read and discuss published short stories by authors with varied styles to deepen our understanding of story elements and options, including voice and point of view, stakes and conflict, the treatment of time, and the presence of place. Participants will generate new writing, inspired by weekly prompts, and share short excerpts of their work in class.

Four sessions. E – $195, R – $214.50

Linda Downing Miller has led creative writing classes in Chicago since 2015. Her short stories have appeared in Chicago Quarterly Review, Water–Stone Review, The Florida Review, and other literary journals. She received an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte.

Materials List


  • A free digital course packet of additional material, compiled by the instructor and distributed electronically before the seminar begins.

First Reading:

Registration Information

  • Online registration opens at 9 am (CST) on Tuesday, January 7.
  • Phone registration opens at 12 pm (CST) on Wednesday, January 8.

Early registration (E) prices are in effect from January 7 at 9 am through January 24 at 4 pm. Regular registration (R) prices are in effect January 24 at 4 pm through the end of the term.

We offer a 10% discount to members, seniors, and students.

Need Help? Please email seminars@newberry.org.

This seminar is part of the Newberry’s Seminars Program. Learn more about registering for a seminar, program policies and procedures, or teaching a seminar.